
What we want to accomplish

Encourage a passion for education and service

 Education is the best way to improve ourselves, our country, and the world
Education is an essential tool for navigating our lives and creating opportunity.   Education is also the best tool for preserving peace and ending conflict. Those who serve their country, whether professionally or through cooperation, are in the best position to use their education to change the world.  Civilian Solutions offers scholarships to high school students that encourage them to value their creativity and pursue education.

Reduce the innovation gap

Although service members and civilians deal with different challenges, the process of overcoming them can lead to mutually beneficial solutions
Unconventional conflicts are challenging traditional military modes of problem solving.  Additionally, Americans are becoming increasingly aware of challenges ordinary people face around the world.  Often these problems overlap, and Civilian Solutions aims to bring the skills of civilians and soldiers into a mutually beneficial cooperative effort.

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